Rules of communication in the forum
The forum of the Gisinfo portal is intended for technical assistance, exchange of professional experience, interesting and constructive communication and discussion on topics related to geodesy, cartography, land management and related subjects. At the same time, communication should take place in an intelligent and non-offensive form, without flooding and pushing topics that do not correspond to the main topics.
The forum welcomes
- Constructive conversations, using clear and reasonable argumentation of your position;
- Simple human literacy;
- Clarity in expressing your thoughts;
- Help to other users, useful hints and tips.
This forum is forbidden
- Discuss politics;
- Creating a topic with a title that already exists in the forum;
- Creating threads with unclear titles, such as: "Help!", "Everyone here", etc.
- Posting material and links to material on the web that is not related to the main topic or thread;
- Excessive preference for certain punctuation marks and numbers!!!!!!111 and the use of CAPSLOCK IN THEMES AND MESSAGES;
- Posting messages of an advertising nature, including links to your own sites, etc;
- Any form of spam or forum abuse;
- Displaying obvious disrespect for others or offensive behavior, especially the use of profanity and rudeness. Replacing letters in profanity with obscure characters is also prohibited;
- Extremist and discriminatory messages, as well as any messages that violate applicable laws;
- Presenting unverified or knowingly false information as fact (including as an argument);
- Posting the same messages in a sequential order in different forum threads.
Moderators carefully monitor the observance of simple rules of conduct on the forum, so any posts that do not comply with them will be deleted. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content and accuracy of any information posted on the forum, as well as for moral or material damage, direct or indirect losses associated with the use of the forum or information posted on it.